Monday, January 17, 2011

Being greateful everyday!!

You know I will admit that I can be a bit of  a grumbler sometimes and let things get to me that should not. I'm working on letting that go. I do not want to be that person anymore.

Therefore each day when I wake up, I want to have an attitude of gratitude, you know just thanking God for taking care of me and my family throughout the night, keeping us safe and healthy.

Yesterday, my husband called me from work, he is a neurology resident and he just reminded me of how grateful i should be that we are healthy because as a resident he gets to see so many people in pain, and i guess it just helps put things in perspective.

TODAY I'M THANKFUL AND GRATEFUL TO GOD for all the wonderful blessings in my life.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hi everyone, sorry for the silence, New Year been very busy getting things done.

How was your New Year, ours was relatively quiet, but we were just appreciative of the past year, thanking God for all our wonderful blessings and lessons learned for 2010.

I didn't set out with resolutions, I never do, I want to the best me.

So i'm loving motherhood thus far, and i love my baby girl so, so much. I have now embarked on losing the baby weight, slowly but surely. I'm doing it more for me and health reasons, rather than people asking me to. I believe steady does it, so just taking it one day at a time, no pressure....from anyone. "I started this week and so far i have excersised for 5 consecutive days. I alternate between hard work outs and easy work outs. I have already lost 3 pounds , yaaay for me. I'm eating , but taking smaller portions and stopping when i feel full. I snack in between meals. So as you can see i'm not starving myself, plus ive never been one to diet.

Oh by the way i'm not going to the gym or running in one spot, i'm pretty much just taking 45 minutes out of my day, put on excercise tv on comcast and working out. I feel great, i feel alive and just able tro do anything. I feel like i'm taking  back control.

Its not easy though, as my baby loves my constant attention, so i put her on her jumperoo or have tummy time and pray she can hang on till mummy finishes.

Wish me luck........